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teaching:wt2122:seminarrt [2021/10/27 14:35]
teaching:wt2122:seminarrt [2021/10/27 15:00] (current)
ipa [Modalities]
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   * The talk will be done using heiCONF or zoom   * The talk will be done using heiCONF or zoom
   * You are free to choose any format for your presentation (slides or writing some notes during the presentation)   * You are free to choose any format for your presentation (slides or writing some notes during the presentation)
-  * If you are using slides, you can use {{:​teaching:​st20:​seminarmabi:​presentation_template.zip |this template}} for the presentation (just optional)+  * If you are using slides, you can use this {{:​teaching:​st20:​seminarmabi:​presentation_template.zip |template}} for the presentation (just optional)
   * The talk should last between 30 and 40 minutes.   * The talk should last between 30 and 40 minutes.
   * There will be a discussion session after your talk of around 5 to 10 minutes   * There will be a discussion session after your talk of around 5 to 10 minutes
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 === Topics === === Topics ===
-We will use  [[https://​teams.microsoft.com/​l/​team/​19%3ab_mCYDJcBB1pNJ9IsAKKoPZpn0kRPodZoVwycB32zhU1%40thread.tacv2/​conversations?​groupId=d17d9684-c702-464c-93a3-b26fd4d52620&​tenantId=3d057f2f-8466-43fd-8a56-5d334d13d895|Microsoft Teams]] for communication and distributing the **list of topics**.+  * We will use  [[https://​teams.microsoft.com/​l/​team/​19%3ab_mCYDJcBB1pNJ9IsAKKoPZpn0kRPodZoVwycB32zhU1%40thread.tacv2/​conversations?​groupId=d17d9684-c702-464c-93a3-b26fd4d52620&​tenantId=3d057f2f-8466-43fd-8a56-5d334d13d895|Microsoft Teams]] for communication and distributing the **list of topics**
 +  * You can use this code for joining Teams:** 4131ihm** 
 +  * If you have not activated your UNI ID for Teams please use this [[https://​it-service.uni-heidelberg.de/​anfrage/​teams_benutzer_freischalten|form]].